Drip Cakes!

Using ganache to create drip effects on the sides of tall cakes has been the in thing for some time now, and if you know me you know I love to jump on a trend. This post is something of whistle-stop tour of the drip cakes I've made so far! Some, such as my most recent cake, were pretty successful, whilst others provided me with plenty of pointers for improvement! White Chocolate and Lemon Drip Cake: My latest drip cake, made just this week for a silver wedding anniversary, is probably the best example of a drip cake that I've been able to produce! My latest drip cake! This White Chocolate and Lemon drip cake, decorated with chocolate coated strawberries, Galaxy Counters, Milky Bar Buttons, Maltesers, Kinder chocolate and Bueno bars, Lindt chocolates and Caramilk bars (the leftovers of which I'm very much enjoying treating myself to after a stressful day at work!), is filled with a home made lemon curd and white chocolate buttercream. The ganache for this cake was simple e...