Bakewell Tart!

An absolute classic, the recipe for this Bakewell Tart is one I fondly remember learning during Food Tech lessons when I was probably in year 9! Whenever I make this recipe it always makes me think of my Food teacher, who was also my form tutor. I used to absolutely adore this subject at school, and this teacher is certainly up there as one of the people who inspired me to get baking! I used to make this recipe so often, however as I began to make this tart less and less and the recipe began to slip from my mind, and I needed to get it written down! Years later (last week in fact), I rediscovered my old Food Tech folder with this recipe inside, and decided it deserved a rerelease worthy of Speak Now (Taylor's Version)! A thick layer of cherry jam! When it came to reinventing this tart, there wasn't a great deal I actually wanted to change. This recipe quickly became my Dad's favourite when I brought it home, but since I've been practicing new skills recently I thought ...