
After a wee baking slump at the end of August, these ricciarelli were the perfect quick and easy way to dedicate some time to my favourite hobby and get back into the swing of baking! It's only now that I'm finding time to sit down and write a quick post about them! Ricciarelli; a chewy Italian biscuit! Biscuits are certainly an area in baking that I neglect. There's no real reason for this, but like I mentioned in my Indian Potato Raised Pie post I tend to be emphasising cupcakes and similar bakes at the minute. I first came across these biscuits in the Bake Off: Love to Bake book whilst at university, and since they require few ingredients and no special equipment (a bowl, a whisk and a wooden spoon is all that's required!) they were an ideal bake for a cash-strapped uni student with only a couple of baking tins to hand. The ricciarelli I produced at university were just as good as this batch, even with the faulty oven in our third year house (it took us around 6 hou...