
Last weekend I found myself with a rare couple of hours without absolutely nothing to do. The run I had planned had been rained off and I was feeling too restless to sit and read the afternoon away. What better way to pass the time then than by going back to basics with these Scones! Filled with homemade blueberry jam and clotted cream! My dad mentioned the other day that the supermarket seemed to have stopped selling the scones he likes. After making a show of fake coughing and clearing my throat a few times (from which he didn't get the hint), I asked him if he would like me to bake some scones for him. A man of many words, his reply was simply "hmmm you can do if you like". You know I never miss an opportunity to squeeze a bit of baking into the day, and I quickly set about deciding on the fillings I would use! Clotted cream was a given, however I couldn't decide between a jam of some kind or a lemon curd. I opted for blueberry jam, as it was something I'd nev...