Ferrero Rocher Cupcakes!

A reworking of my Chocolate Fudge Cake Cupcakes from my last post, these Ferrero Rocher Cupcakes consist of chocolate fudge cake sponge, a chocolate ganache filling, and a chocolate whipped cream buttercream icing. The cupcakes are, of course, topped with Ferrero Rocher and toasted hazelnuts! The perfect present for my parent's wedding anniversary! 

I've been playing with my new piping
nozzles, and I settled on this design!

Seeing as I've only recently written about the method for chocolate fudge cake batter, whipped ganache and whipped cream buttercream, I won't go into it again. I don't often repeat bakes so quickly unless they weren't very successful, but they felt like the perfect indulgent treat for a wedding anniversary!

Roughly frosted cupcakes
sprinkled with toasted hazelnuts!

I recently saw a technique on TikTok where you pipe a ring of buttercream using a plain nozzle around the base of a domed cupcake, press the cake into toasted hazelnuts, and then pipe a swirl in the middle. I often have a problem with cupcakes doming in the oven, so thought it would be a fun way to use this mistake. This time though the cupcakes didn't dome... the one time I wanted them to!

The idea was to try and show
the hazelnuts underneath the 
swirls, but this didn't happen
with them all!

Because I'd planned to include toasted hazelnuts on top of the cakes, I didn't include any in the ganache. I was still keen to get the hazelnut flavour into the cakes, so I roughly frosted the cupcakes with a small palette knife, inverted the tops of the cakes into toasted hazelnuts, and then piped swirls using my new piping nozzle. The same principle as the method I saw on TikTok, but modified!

You know I love a cross section!

I've been struggling to make time to just sit and do a bit of writing about the things I've been baking what with my new job, but I had to share these cupcakes. They're something of a masterpiece (if I do say so myself)!

Over Easter weekend I've been busy baking, and can't wait to share my result soon! 

Gibby x


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